Wednesday, October 15, 2008

New Beginning---again.

I am putting this out in the cosmos because then I have to follow through. It is time for a new beginning, but one that is completely positive and that we follow all the way. I am going to start working out more (I can't use the baby weight excuse since Elijah just turned a year old) and taking better care of myself. I confess, I usually go to bed without washing my face! I know, gross, but no more! I spent about $50 on about 8oz of really good facial cleaner and moisturizer, so I have to use it or it was a huge waste of money. I have fallen into the "junk food vegetarian" rut, but no more! The motto is "junk in, junk out" I want the good foods in and to stay in and do good things in my body. This weekend Brit and I are starting our Financial Peace University by Dave Ramsey and we are so excited! I can't even imagine what it is going to be like to be completely debt free. I have looked through the book a little and we listen to his show. Dave makes it sound so simple and it makes you just slap yourself in the head because it makes perfect sense and you can't believe you have been so stupid.....I will keep you posted!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Crime Shows = My Educated Paranoia

I am a paranoid person. Always have been, thanks in part to my mother (God Bless her). She wanted me to be aware of the dangers in the world so I could be prepared. Good intentions aside, I became extremely paranoid. By 5, I was opening my car door from as far away as I could reach and jumping into the car, thus avoiding the "bad guy" under the car that would cut my Achilles tendon. Why didn't I just look under the car? Because there had been cases where people did that and the "bad guy" sprayed them with mace. It's a no win situation though because I always hit my head on the car. Clever huh? I would be a much harder target if I knocked myself unconscious first. By high school, I carried a large letter opener in the side pocket of my car. It was around the time car jacking was becoming more popular and I figured I could lock my door, grab his arm, (sorry for the "his" stereotype), pull him partially into the car and stab him in the neck with the letter opener. I, of course, have such lightening quick reflexes. I often caught myself thinking up scenarios of attacks or accidents and my escape plan or attack plan. Even sitting at home I would think "OK, if someone broke in through the back window, what would I do?" Paranoid? Crazy? Just a little.
Now, I am a big fan of crime shows. CSI, Without a Trace, and Bones are some of my tops. These shows are great, but I have realized that now they are just educating my paranoia. I watch the shows and am amazed by all the things people can do to one another that I never thought of! Now, I have to come up with game plans for all of those too. Another side effect of these shows is that I catch myself "checking out" people and places. If someone in the grocery store parking lot looks suspicious to me (you know the type, squinty eyes, scar across their face....) I start memorizing details. What they are wearing, what their car looks like, things like that. That way, the next day when someone matching that description has committed a crime and the police are asking for anyone with details, I can help. I am surprised though at how many people appear suspicious :D I have so many descriptions in my head that their is no way I could help anyone.
Having a child hasn't helped either, because now you have to calculate in to my brain kidnappings and children being sold on the black market........maybe I'll just stick to Oprah and Martha Stewart.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

My Etsy Favorites

For those of you that have never heard about Etsy, you are missing out. It is like Ebay, except all the items are handmade. I know what you might be thinking, because the first time I heard "handmade" I thought about one of those tissue boxes with macaroni glued to the top I made for my mom. Well, let me tell you that these people are way more talented! I would swear that some of these items were made in a factory because of how good they look. It is better than buying a machine made item though because you are getting an item that someone made with love and care. An item that someone made as perfect as they could, an item that they take pride in and that makes them way more valuable.

Here are just a few of my favorite items I have found in my searches (I am including the links to their Etsy shops, so show them some love):

This Jack Sparrow was sold by GeekCentralStation. The attention to detail is really amazing!
This Darth Vader mouse was done by TheHouseofMouse. Anna makes a mouse for every taste from super heroes to movies to a mouse to fit your job.
Cheryl at JewelByNature does the most amazing steampunk, vintage and one of a kind jewelry at really amazing prices!

Grocery Shopping Tip of the Week

I am a coupon clipper. I cut my coupons when I get the Sunday paper and put them in my handy dandy little pouch. I hate the handy dandy little pouch when I get to the store though. There I am trying to decide what kind of butter to buy, I pull out my pouch, try to sort through it and remember which section I put butter in, my son grabs my arm, coupons go flying, I get in every one's way and I give up on the coupons.

To fix this problem I deal with coupons before going to the store. I get my shopping list out and if butter is on the list, I pull out all the butter coupons and clip them to the list. I try to put them in the order I know I get items in (we all have our game plan for shopping routes). That way I can decide which brand to buy based on the savings and end price and no crawling on the floor for my coupons.

Happy shopping!

Caldwell Zoo, Tyler, Texas

I love animals! I love them so much, I don't even eat them :D I have always loved going to the zoo even though it does make me a little sad sometimes. I have been to the Fort Worth Zoo, the National Zoo in Washington D.C. and many others, but I have to say that Caldwell Zoo in Tyler, Texas is one of my favorite! It is extremely clean and well laid out. The walkways are beautiful and very well shaded. They have an area near the Africa exhibit that you can get food or a drink and sit at a table overlooking the lions, zebras, elephants and so many others without walls (you are up higher and there is a sort of canal between you and them and around the lions). All and all I think it was a great experience!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Witty Wisdom for New Moms

I know that this is my first child and he is only a year old, but there are a few things I have learned that I thought I would share. I realized most of these things after the first month of carrying Eli around like an egg that could break at any moment.

1. You have to take time to eat and sleep when you can. Being rundown does not help your baby and chances are you will be so drained you may accidently bump your babies head into a door facing.
2. Hitting a door facing will not hurt your baby--he may not even wake up.
3. Finding food you can eat with one hand is very important.
4. Salad is a very questionable one handed food.
5. Babies do not like lettuce coated in ranch dressing dropped on their heads.
6. No matter how fast you think you are with a rag or diaper, your son will pee on you when changing him. Even if you put the rag on first, he will somehow shift or squirm when you are least expecting it and you will be showered.
7. Little boys can pee a long way away!
8. Keep your mouth closed when changing your son.
9. Start getting ready to go out at least an hour before you need to leave. This allows for two diaper changes, a feeding and at least one outfit change for you and the baby---don't ask!
10. Don't listen to everyone's advice, especially people that have never taken care of babies.
11. And the most important thing----Laugh and Enjoy it! You will be pooped on, peed on, spit up on, thrown up on and you will smell kinda funky sometimes, but nothing is better than having this little miracle look up at you and smile (especially when you know the smile isn't just because they have gas) and grab on to your finger and trust you completely.

Movie Theater Rage (MTR)

Ok....I admit it...I have MTR (movie theatre rage). Step one complete...11 more to go. I get angry when I go to the movie theatre...why do you ask? Because I'm not one of those people who can really tell others exactly how I feel because I start to worry about their feelings...stupid isn't it. I always get in front of the group of talkers, the texters, the seat kickers, the sloppy make-out couple, the farters, the chew-popcorn-with-your-mouth-open people, the people who think they are part of the movie, the gaspers, the screamer and the little kids that think it's okay to grab the back of your chair constantly thus leaving a little bald spot on the back of your head from ripping your hair out! It never fails....I sit there and start getting angry...Brit tells me to calm down and that it will be ok............I leave the movie feeling cheated.
To help with my therapy here are the things I would like to say:
Shut up!
If you kick my chair one more time, the next time you come here you will have to sit in the handicap chairs!
They can't hear you, nor do they want your advice. They are going to go upstairs....why? Because they don't know the killer is up there like we do. Also because that is what they are supposed to do. It's in the script! It would be a boring movie if they didn't go up there and get whacked.
Why yes! I did pay $8 for a ticket and $20 for a small popcorn and mini drink so I could hear what you wanted to say! Your boyfriend looked at another girl? I'm so sorry! He probably did because he finds you annoying because you talk during movies!
Special affects are not always supposed to be's called fiction! Save your "whatever", "get real" and "that couldn't really happen". We all know Keanu Reeves can't fight that many Mr. Smiths even if there could be that many of the same person, we also know he can't fly. (This goes out to the charming girl sitting behind me during Kung Fu Hustle!)
If we want a movie recap, we will look it up on the internet or rent the movie when it comes out. We are watching the same movie, so you don't have to repeat what just matter how funny the line is!
I could go on and on, but I think this has really helped. Now I don't have to spend as much time in therapy!
Love to you all....and if you sit behind me at the movie theatre....well I probably won't say anything, but I'll think mean thoughts if you do any of the above mentioned!

Current Entertainment

I thought I would make a little list of some of my current favorites and why:

T.V.--Bones--This is my new T.V. obsession since Gilmore Girls is no longer on air (I would visit my mom and we would watch G.G. every Tuesday together....awww). Bones combines elements from some of my all time favorite shows and movies. The quick wit of G.G., the technical ooey-gooey of CSI and the mystery of Sherlock Holmes and The Thin Man movies. They keep the show fresh and funny which is a great contrast when you look at the seriousness of what the show is about. The chemistry between Bones and Booth is perfect and I love the added humor of Sweets. I told my mom I wish that Bones and Booth would just get together already, but she is right, it would end the show. The tension between them would be gone and it wouldn't be as interesting to watch (or as amusing). It comes on every Wednesday night at 7pm central--so watch it!

Movies--Iron Man--So, I would not watch this when it came to theaters, I admit it. I thought "Robert Downey Jr---super hero----I don't think so". I think he is a very talented actor, but I didn't know alot about the actual character from the comic books. I think super hero I think puffed up chest, smile and the teeth glisten, like Mr. Incredible. Of course, super heroes are getting darker. Spider Man, Batman, even James Bond (not really a super hero) are all being portrayed a little darker, a little more human. Well, I was pleasantly surprised by Iron Man and wish I had seen it in the theater. RDJr. played the part exceptionally! He had the right cockiness and humor for it. I thought Gwyneth Paltrow was good as was Jeff Bridges, but RDJr. really shined. The part with the robot and the fire extinguisher was one of my favorite as was his "take off" into the wall. Great movie all around!

Music--Mellow--maybe it is genetic, my parents were hippies at my age, but I am really in to mellow, folksy, hippy, upbeat, positive music. It relaxes me and makes me happy.

Books--How To's--I am in a Martha Stewart phase. Any book that can teach me how to make or create something I will look at. A lot of it has to do with the economy and a lot has to do with the sense of accomplishment when you make something for yourself. I like finding old things and giving them a little face lift. I think we should continue to be students our whole life. If you don't evolve and learn more, what's the point.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

My son is a year old!

Eli eating his birthday cake!
Pretty Blues! Attacking Mommy!

My anger about my religion

First, let me say that I am a Christian. I try to live my life by my beliefs, but I guess I am more spiritual than religious and there is a difference. I don't believe that you have to sit in a church every Sunday, paying money to improve that church to be a good Christian. I do believe in tithing, but I think it should go to something really worthwhile, like a local shelter or to buy food for people that are starving. Yes, many churches do put money towards that, but I have also been to churches that use the money to expand their activities area, buy t.v.'s, and things like that. I'm sure God really wants them to have more flat screens.

T.V. evangelists probably anger me the most. They are on T.V., wearing a $1,000 suit, sitting on a tacky gold and velvet chair asking people to send money for "God's work". The people watching are usually people on a fixed income living off their social security checks and these people that are supposed to be religious leaders are guilting them in to giving it up! You can't buy a spot in heaven and I'm sure God would understand you using the money for your medication or what not instead of paying for this "preacher's" vacation home or new car.

Another thing that angers me is when I hear someone say that people of other religions or people of different lifestyles are going to hell. First of all, who are you to judge. Are you so perfect, so sin free that you can damn others? If you truly believe that it is in the Bible and so it is the word of God that they are, then let Him handle it! Let God be the judge. It's between Him and them. Mind your business and spend more time looking in the mirror than pointing your fingers at others.

I try to learn about other religions. I believe to truly be passionate about your beliefs, it is important to know about other people's. Most religions are based on the same basic principals and are very similar. I can say that I fully believe what I believe, not because it is the only thing I know or grew up with, but because I have learned about the other "options".

Other Christians are the reason that a lot of people aren't Christians (if that makes any sense). People say they are Christian, are in church every week, help with the bake sales, etc., but then every other day they are being hateful to people, or cheating on their spouse, or doing drugs, or whatever. You can preach all you want, but you have to live it or you are just a hypocrite.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Where have all the manners gone?

After many different experiences I have had in the last several months, I have to ask this question. Maybe I am just getting older....ripe old age of 26 and all....but my parents raised me with manners. You said "may I please" or you did not get whatever it was you wanted. If you bumped someone, you said "excuse me". You did not talk to adults unless they asked you a question, you never interrupted, you respected elders.....crazy things like that.

The main event that brought up this pondering was a lovely day at the movie theater I experienced recently. My husband and I were getting ready to walk up to the concession stand when a young girl, I'd say she was about 16 and dressed in what appeared to be her 8-year-old sister's clothes, bumped into me. Now, normally I would say excuse me, but I am trying to get past this habit of apologizing for things that are not my fault, so I thought I would wait for her to apologize. Instead she said "move b****!" Well.......ok......I picked my jaw up and just stared for a minute. My husband asked me to go ahead and get us a seat because apparently I was turning red and looked like I was going to "have a discussion" with her.

I was flabbergasted! Now, I am not a violent person by any means, but she didn't know that! I could have been a crazy person that attacked her. Do kids not think today! If I had ever said anything like that my mother would have busted me. Actually, any neighbor or someone that knew me would have given me a mouth full and my mother would have known about it before I got home. It's just several events like that that make me wonder if people are even bothering to teach manners, morals, anything like that anymore.

Thank you for reading :D