Thursday, October 9, 2008

My anger about my religion

First, let me say that I am a Christian. I try to live my life by my beliefs, but I guess I am more spiritual than religious and there is a difference. I don't believe that you have to sit in a church every Sunday, paying money to improve that church to be a good Christian. I do believe in tithing, but I think it should go to something really worthwhile, like a local shelter or to buy food for people that are starving. Yes, many churches do put money towards that, but I have also been to churches that use the money to expand their activities area, buy t.v.'s, and things like that. I'm sure God really wants them to have more flat screens.

T.V. evangelists probably anger me the most. They are on T.V., wearing a $1,000 suit, sitting on a tacky gold and velvet chair asking people to send money for "God's work". The people watching are usually people on a fixed income living off their social security checks and these people that are supposed to be religious leaders are guilting them in to giving it up! You can't buy a spot in heaven and I'm sure God would understand you using the money for your medication or what not instead of paying for this "preacher's" vacation home or new car.

Another thing that angers me is when I hear someone say that people of other religions or people of different lifestyles are going to hell. First of all, who are you to judge. Are you so perfect, so sin free that you can damn others? If you truly believe that it is in the Bible and so it is the word of God that they are, then let Him handle it! Let God be the judge. It's between Him and them. Mind your business and spend more time looking in the mirror than pointing your fingers at others.

I try to learn about other religions. I believe to truly be passionate about your beliefs, it is important to know about other people's. Most religions are based on the same basic principals and are very similar. I can say that I fully believe what I believe, not because it is the only thing I know or grew up with, but because I have learned about the other "options".

Other Christians are the reason that a lot of people aren't Christians (if that makes any sense). People say they are Christian, are in church every week, help with the bake sales, etc., but then every other day they are being hateful to people, or cheating on their spouse, or doing drugs, or whatever. You can preach all you want, but you have to live it or you are just a hypocrite.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree. I have struggled to be a better christian all my life but one thing that I know is god loves me and knows that I am not perfict and thats why he sent his son Jesus to save me from thes world.