Saturday, October 11, 2008

Grocery Shopping Tip of the Week

I am a coupon clipper. I cut my coupons when I get the Sunday paper and put them in my handy dandy little pouch. I hate the handy dandy little pouch when I get to the store though. There I am trying to decide what kind of butter to buy, I pull out my pouch, try to sort through it and remember which section I put butter in, my son grabs my arm, coupons go flying, I get in every one's way and I give up on the coupons.

To fix this problem I deal with coupons before going to the store. I get my shopping list out and if butter is on the list, I pull out all the butter coupons and clip them to the list. I try to put them in the order I know I get items in (we all have our game plan for shopping routes). That way I can decide which brand to buy based on the savings and end price and no crawling on the floor for my coupons.

Happy shopping!

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